Sample Handover Report

The building handover process and sample report…

  • A report will be prepared providing a detailed list of any defects, omissions or compliance issues noted at the time of the inspection.
  • This will take place once the house has reached practical completion. 
  • The report is printed and left onsite for the building supervisor so that follow up can start immediately and they can direct trades to items needing to be attended to. 
  • A copy of the report will be emailed to you, our client, the builder and any relevant parties. 
  • A follow up or reinspection will take place to check which items noted on the report have been rectified. The status of each defect is noted. This takes approximately 7-10 working days or once we are notified by the builder that rectification works are complete.

To find out more about our reporting system take a look at a sample report. EPC Sample Handover Report.

Contact us TODAY to arrange an inspection of your property by one of our experienced team.

Our goal is to provide accurate and economically priced depreciation and building handover services that exceed our clients’ expectations.

Thanks very much for your thorough report.

Alvaro Montes de Oca